
We've got him now, Robbie.
He wrote it down,
the porter read it -

that makes it a public libel.
- Now we can take him to court.
- For God's sake!

Oscar, you mustn't
do that.

That would be...
I mean...

We've been waiting
to get him in the dock

and show the world
what a swine and shit he's been.

To me, my mother,
my brothers...

But he'll plead justification.
He'll call the renters
as witnesses for the defence.

He doesn't know
what a renter is.

No? I hear he's had
detectives following you

ever since you came back
from Egypt.

He can't prove anything.
But we can.

We can prove
he's the vilest man

that ever walked
the earth.

Tear the card up.
- Pretend you never got it.
- Are you mad?

That's our main piece
of evidence.

If Oscar went abroad
for a few months

while your father calms down...
Whose side
are you on?

If this goes to court,
Oscar will have to tell lies!
Perjure himself!
Everything will come out.
Whatever the result,
it'll be utter disaster.

You're an enemy, then.
No, no.
Bosie, please.

Robbie, you're a dear boy,
but I can't even think
of leaving the country.

As a matter of fact,
I can't even leave this hotel.
I can't pay the bill.
We can raise you money,
for heaven's sake!

Anyway, what about
your royalties?

We shall need all the money
for the libel case.

My father can't go on
making all our lives
a torment like this.

Oscar, I beg you...
I'm not going
to run away, Robbie.

I'm not going to hide.
That would be
the English thing to do.

If you take
Queensberry to court,

all hell will break loose.
All my life, I've fought
against the English vice -

hypocrisy. Not that
that's the point.

Queensberry's already
caused the death

of one of his sons.
If I don't try and stop him now,
who will he harm next?
He's avoiding me, Robbie.
I know what
everyone's saying.

But it's not true.
