
I-I can't.
My dear Constance,
the name of Wilde
will be a word of execration

for the next thousand years.
You can't let your boys grow up
with people knowing
who they are.

Think of their lives at school.
Thank you
for your advice.

I'm sorry our friendship
has to end like this.

You will always be my friend.
I am still Oscar's wife.
That must cease forthwith.
Forthwith, do you understand?
Anybody who has anything
to do with Oscar from now on

will never be received
in society again. Ever.

Oh, God, Ada.
What is going
to happen to him?

That's Oscar Wilde's boy.
You must let me
in the witness box.

If the jury could hear
what I have to say...

But Bosie, darling boy,
as soon as they see you
in all your golden youth

and me in all
my corruption...

You didn't corrupt me.
I corrupted you if anything.
That's not how
it will seem.

But I must have my say!
It's outrageous!
Everyone else
has said anything

that came into his head.
But I'm the person
all this is about.

It's ME my father
wants to get at, not YOU!

It's outrageous
that I can't have my say!

It won't help, Bosie.
It may actually
make things worse.

But my father will win!
I can't endure
my father winning.

You must go away,
dear boy.

I couldn't bear
for them to arrest you.

I can't bear what they're
saying about you in court.

Jesus Christ!
- Goodbye, love.
- Goodbye, dear.

Time's over.
Goodbye, Bosie.
Dear boy.

Don't let anyone,

ever change
your feeling for me.
