A Bright Shining Lie

It appears there was
a conflict in scheduling...

and the chairman is anxious
to hear your briefing at a later date.

The old guard closed ranks
and shut him out.

Vann resigned.
His military career was ruined.

That's what he led us to believe,
but John Paul Vann had no career.

He was an outcast...
a man whose dark past had denied him the
General's stars he thought he deserved.

Where the hell were you last night?
Don't lie to me!
I know where you were!

- Wait a minute, honey. Come on.
- To hell with this.

- Honey, wait.
- You are a liar!

You are a goddamn cheat,
and you will never change!

- Don't do this now.
- I'm not finished!

I'm so sick of putting up this front
for you, for your career.

Your career?
You screwed yourself
out of your career years ago.

We are gonna do something,
or I am outta here.

Come in, Mrs. Vann.
- I think we've made some progress here.
- Good.

Your husband has been
quite forthright...

about his lapses.
If I could just explain something.
Often when military men
get put in pressure situations...

they find themselves
in a difficult position.

They see sex
as a kind of an outlet.

It's a release.
It's almost unconscious,
you might say.

I thought we came here
to be honest with each other.

I am being honest.
Did he tell you
about the housemaids in Japan?

Well, Mrs. Vann,
we didn't go into every specific case.
