
You know, gotta be
one with the ball.

Would you cut it out already?
Jeez. I love my work.
And you, well--

You think too much.
Come on, Z. Help us build
a bigger, better colony.

And, for crying out loud,
try to be happy about it.

Sure, you know.
I mean, why-why--

How could I possibly be unhappy being
a piece of construction equipment?

- Okay, workers, remember.
- Here it comes.

- Be the ball.
- Oh!

[ Foreman ]
Let the energy flow through you.

Grin and bear it. This is--
This is for the colony. Oh.

- [ All Yelling ]
- Ow. This is--

This is just a lawsuit
waiting to happen.

- Hang on. Here we go.
- Faster. Harder.

Did I happen to mention
that heights make me nauseous?

- This is a ball.
- Hey.

- [ Yelling, Indistinct ]
- [ Gagging ]

- [ Azteca ] Oh, Z.
- Yes. Yes. I understand.

I dropped the ball.
[ Man ]
Workers. They're weak.

They lack discipline.
They lack commitment.

General, I know there's
been a glitch or two.

But everybody is working
full tilt as it is, and--

You can't help it,
it's your nature.

But in spite of your limitations,
you are going to finish
this tunnel on schedule.

Come hell or high water.
Anyone who falls behind is going to have
to explain themselves to Colonel Cutter.

And let me assure you, the colonel
is not as understanding as I am.

Four more days, Cutter.
Four more days.

Then we can bid final farewell
to their kind of incompetence.

Yes, sir.
A fresh start.
- Imagine it!
- A strong colony, sir.

A colony we can be proud of.
