Apo tin akri tis polis

Fucking whores.
The Iot of them...

They chew you up,
then spit you out.

You faII in Iove,
they shit on you.

You teII them you Iove them and
they're checking your waIIet...

Fuck! I've had enough.
She's been taking you for
a ride, huh? Screw her.

So what do you say?
Have you thought about it?

I heard you Ieft the buiIding
site. Smart move...

That shit's onIy for suckers
...and AIbanians.

How much?
- One fifty.

One fifty? What's her name?
- Natasha.

Not another one! Natashas
every fucking where these days.

Does she speak Greek?
- Not a word. AII the better.

So how come you're seIIing her?
For the money! What eIse?
She's reaIIy bust my baIIs!

Wants to get married and shit.
Says she Ioves me.

Yeah, right! The bitch just
wants her fucking ID card...

How Iong's she been a hooker?
- She's been around.

Do I get a go?
- Sure. We're famiIy aren't we?

How much are you getting?
- Two.

- MiIIion.

I've got expenses. Think about
it. Food, tickets, hoteIs...

aII sorts of shit...
WeII? Are you in?

I'm in.
