Apt Pupil

- Then what?
- The bank would open he box.

The lnternal Revenue Service
would inventory the contents.

But in this case, they would
only find a 1 2-page document.

Non-taxable, but highly interesting.
- I don't believe you.
- My boy ...

- It's already done.
- Look at you!

- You could go at any time.
- Don't be so theatrical.

A man five years older than me
worries more about his heart -

- than being sent off to lsrael.
And the day will come,
if I live long enough, -

- when I decide that what you know
no longer matters.

Then and only then,
I will destroy the document.

So many things can happen.
Accidents, sickness ...

- You could slip in the shower!
- Que sera sera ...

whatever will be will be
the future 's not ours to see
que sera sera ...

I can see you're thinking it now.
It's in your eyes. Killing me.
The flick of a knife.
Push me down the steps.

I'm old. You are strong and angry.
Good assets for killing,
but there is something missing.

To have someone in your control.
