
Even if the asteroid itself
hits the water, it's still hitting land.

It'll flash boil millions
of gallons of seawater and slam
into the ocean bedrock.

Now, if it's a Pacific Ocean impact--
which we think it will be--

it'll create a tidal wave
three miles high,

travelling at 1,000 miles an hour
covering California
and washing up in Denver.

Japan's gone.
Australia's wiped out.

Half the world's population
will be incinerated by the heat blast.

The rest'll freeze to death
from nuclear winter.

[ Whispering ]
That's unbelievable.

Well, actually,
this is as real as it gets.

Well, it's coming right now.
Right for us at 22,000 miles an hour.
Not a soul on Earth can hide from it.
I take it you're not
alerting everyone like this.

Nobody knows.
That's the way it stays.

For the next ten days, there are
only nine telescopes in the world...

that can spot the asteroid,
and we control eight of 'em.

The president's classified
this information top secret.

If news like this got out,
there'd be an overnight breakdown
of basic social services worldwide.

Rioting, mass religious hysteria,
total chaos, you can imagine.

Basically the worst parts of the Bible.
Six billion people on the planet.
Why'd you guys call me?
- We need you to prep the team
we're sending up.
- Up?

We'll send them to the asteroid,
they'll land, drill a hole,
they'll drop some nukes,

take off and detonate,
if we can fix this equipment problem.

The drilling unit's a prototype we've
been building for the Mars project.

You, uh-- You might recognize the rig.
Yeah, well, I guess
I should recognize it. It's my design.

- [ Man Chattering On P.A. ]
- [ Helicopter Blades Whirring ]
