
What's it gonna be like up there?
Two hundred degrees in the sunlight.
Minus 200 in the shade.

Canyons of razor-sharp rock.
Unpredictable gravitational conditions.

Unexpected eruptions.
Things like that.

Okay, so the scariest
environment imaginable. Thanks.

That's all you gotta say:
scariest environment imaginable.

Okay, so you drill,
you drop the nuke and you leave.

Now here's the key.
You're gonna remote detonate the bomb...

before the asteroid passes
this plane, zero barrier.

You do that, and the remaining
pieces of rock...

should be deflected enough
to pass right by us.

Now if the bomb explodes
after zero barrier,

game's over.
Paul, this is Houston,
fire your rockets!

- [ Imitating Rocket Blasting ]
- Okay, your rockets are maximum.

- Oscar!
- Hey, Harry. Hey, how's it goin'?

- Have you seen Grace ?
- Yeah, she's over
in the hangar with A.J.

Harry, wait a second. Did you say
Grace? Okay, I thought you said Bear.

Will you marry me?
Grace is old enough to vote, Harry.
She's old enough to drink or get married
if she wants to, get a divorce.

Let me tell you something,
fellas. When I get back,
when we get this job done,

I will deal with this in my own way.
