Blues Brothers 2000

The suit's real neat,
but do I have to wear the hat?

These are unsophisticated men. They only
respond to fear and the draw of lucre.

We elicit this by using
iconographic symbols...

...and psychological intimidation.
The way we look together...
...presents a uniform image
of strength and organization.

Don't say anything.
Look mean. No smiling.

Good to see you.
Even though that last gig was a nightmare.
Boys, meet my new partner in the act,
Mighty Mack.

Mack, "Blue Lou" Marini,
Matt "Guitar" Murphy.

Mighty Mack.
So, what's this about?
Putting the band back together.
You can't mention that here.
She's back from lunch.
Sorry to hear about Jake.
Thank you, ma'am.
Who's this?
My new partner, Mack McTeer.
Pleased to meet you.
Matt, can I speak to you privately?
Sure, baby.
When you got out of prison,
you said, "No more Blues Brothers."

Yes, I did.
We've built up a good business using
the cash from the sale of the coffee shop...

:37:48 start this Mercedes dealership.
What's wrong with you?

And I keep your pathetic friend on...
...even though he hasn't sold a car
in over two years.
