Boli zhi cheng

Buster! Buster's knocked down!
You hit a pup! Get down and look
Clumsy fool, don't you know how to pedal
Buster's bleeding! What shall we do?
Is there a vet nearby?
There's one down in Water Street
Taxi, I'll call a taxi...
It's just downhill. It's faster to cycle
Can I borrow your bike? Sure, take it
Go to hell!
It's just down the road
Wait for me! Come on
Remember to return after use
to Ricci Hall C-9

Okay. Okay
Help! You sure you can handle this?
Yes, shut up
I'm scared! Don't worry
It's come to, alright
Bring it back tomorrow for follow-up

Sorry to have kept you so late
It's OK
Tell your girl friend to make it rest

She's not my girl friend
Sorry, your sister?
She's not my sister either
Whatever. By 1 997, everyone's a comrade
Right, thank you You're welcome
Buster Baby
You must be obedient
Your masters are gone, never coming back
If you're disobedient,
nobody'll keep you, you know?

Now you're left on your own, you hear?
