Boli zhi cheng

Get lost, you nympho!
Nosy Parker! See how nosy you look
Nosy? I'm not nosy!
You are, Fatso!
Wake up, time to work!
It's so damn noisy here all day long!
I'm starving
Beautiful, really beautiful
Let's have a snack

Let's go to Water Street for sweet soup
I'm starving
Sweet soup, OK? Herb and egg tea?
Ah! 7001, you're gorgeous!
Here it comes again
Everybody says
his girl friend is 01 of her class

What're you looking at? Come here
This place is pretty cool
So this is a Mini Hall?

Yeah, it meets the Hong Kong
Housing Department specifications

35 square feet per head
That's different
That's for resettlement areas

This is a resettlement hostel
Be satisfied
Chow time!
Let's play "Spin The Bottle"!
What's that?
"When, Where and With Whom",
your first time

The one pointed at
by the bottle must confess!

When: 1 8, where: 7-1 1,
with whom: sister 1 3

Wow, 3 seconds! Fastest gun in the west
"When, Where, With Whom", shoot
