City of Angels

...she looked right at me.
She didn't see you, Seth.
She can't see you.

No one can see you
unless you want them to.

And if I want her to?
Why do you want her to?
To help her.
Open it!
Open it now!
Everybody down!
Do it! Do it!
Shit! Just give him the money.
Did I leave the lights on?
I left the lights on.

I should have gone to Ralphs.
-Do it!
-Relax. I'm doing it, okay?

I never saw the Grand Canyon.
I'll never see my grandkids again.
What am I doing?
Just be cool. Be cool.
Be cool, man.
Be cool.
Holy shit!
They don't need to see us.
You're early.
What's going on?
Ferris was looking for you.
