City of Angels

Did you pack my backpack?
What else?
We talked...
...and then I got beeped
and he disappeared.

Why did you pack my backpack?
Earl, what are you doing?
I thought we'd fly up to Tahoe,
use your uncle's cabin...

...maybe do a little hiking.
God. Is it...?
Maggie, it's just a tick.
-Get a match.
-We're not going to burn him, Jordan.

It'll have to back out.
Can't leave the head in.

-We can't just be burning tick heads.
-Then get some alcohol.

I don't have any.
-You don't have any alcohol?
-I don't operate here.

How about some olive oil?
Which kind? Jalapeno or rosemary?
So what did you and your friend--
What did you say his name was?

What did you two talk about?
Come on, we deal with life and death
every day. Why can't we talk about it?

I hope you won't become a
surgeon who prays in the O.R.

Can we talk for a minute?
We'll talk while camping.
Jordan, I can't go camping now.
We need some time together.
All right, let's see if we can
just spend 5 minutes.

Let's see if we can just stand
still together for 5 minutes.

Doing what?
Just being here.
I'll get the trail map.
No, I mean it.
Nothing but us.
What do I do?
Just look at me.
