Cos%C3%AC ridevano

Pietro goes to school,
he has to dress good.

I told him he should Iearn a skill.
His uncle aIways says: "Come work
with us, as a bricklayer.

Got arms like we do".
Wouldn't be caught dead on his books.
He knew you were coming,
and didn't even go pick you up.

Here's 5,000 lira,
I'Il send the rest.

Think this a place
you can study in peace ?

This is a sty.
Not fit for people.
It's a pig sty.
Pietro's jacket...
AIl the things...
All his things...
...l'lI take them.
I'Il take care of my brother.
Here, have some bread.
Ain't ya hungry ?
Whattcha on here in Turin ?
That anyway to talk ?
What're ya doin' here in Turin ?
Work at the FIAT ?
I study.
I'm going to be a school teacher.
I told him not to knock himself out
for this diploma.

But no, no way...
My brother is pig-headed.
How can four elephants
get into a FIAT ?
