Dangerous Beauty

A known fact. Eloquence in a woman
means promiscuity.

Promiscuity of the mind...
...leads to promiscuity of the body.
She doesn't believe her yet,
but she will.

She'll grow up like her mother.
She'll marry, bear children...
...and honor her family.
Spend her youth in needlepoint...

And when she dies...
...she'll wonder why she obeyed
all the rules of God and country...

...because no biblical hell
could ever be worse...

...than this state
of perpetual inconsequence.

Silent God ignores my prayer
And renders lost
What once was fair
Once blissful
Fortune's favorite city

Now wheeled fate turns
No trace of pity
Citizens of Venice!
Look around you now
at the disease and deaths...

... that have taken over
our once beautiful city, and tell me...

... this plague is not a punishment...
... from God!
We are surrounded by harlots...
... and courtesans!
We must cast out
those who tempt us...

...for we are a city of shame...
... of fornication...
... and carnal practices
that defy description.

We will go the way of Sodom
and Gomorrah...

... and become dust
in the sands of time!
