Doctor Dolittle

- OK, Blain, look. I wanna go home.
- So soon? And miss the field trip to the zoo?

You've hated me since medical school,

but we are both adults now.
Let's put that behind us.

We both have families.
I want to get back to mine. How do I do that?

Well, it's very simple.
Stop talking to animals, John.

All right, listen.
You're right. I made a mistake.

Maybe it was a case of temporary insanity,
but it's over. I don't talk to animals any more.

I'm not convinced.
We'll talk again in a month or so, OK?

Tell you what, Blain.
You sign my release form

and I won't tell our fellow-doctor friends
about that pink tutu you keep in your closet.

With the thong back.
- Daddy's home.
- Daddy? Hey, Daddy.

- Hey, beautiful, how are you?
- Oh, I'm fine.

- Hey, baby.
- Wh...?

- Why didn't you call me?
- I wanted to surprise you.

- Hey, why aren't you in camp, young lady?
- Mom brought her home.

I didn't fit in.
You're just gonna have to try a little harder
next year. Give me a hug. I missed you.

- Still Daddy's baby, huh?
- Honey?

Do they know that you left?
No, I escaped. Of course they know I left.
I'm better. Time to spend some time with you.

Are you not talking to me?
- You're sure you're OK?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Because I got scared,
wondering when you were coming home.

Well, I am back and I'm fine, and everything's
gonna be just like it was in the old days.

I know what you're doing. Two can play at
that game. I don't have to listen to you either.

I was thinking maybe
we should get rid of that dog.
