El Faro

I'II Iook for him.
We'II taIk Iater.

-HeIIo, daddy.

-You Iook quite cheerfuI today!
-Now I am.

This is DoIores.
By far, the best in the famiIy.

-Are you his escort?
-Yes, why?

What are you smoking, dad?
I'm fed up with eating sandwiches!
What wiII we do?

HeIIo. Don't worry.
I can do anything.

Such as?
Baby-sit. SIow down! I can Iook
after kids instead of oId chaps.

Kids are reaIIy a pain in the ass.
-How do you know that?
-I know. I meant boys...

-HeIIo, CarmeIa.
-What do you want now?

I wish we couId taIk for a whiIe.
Go to the room.
Come on!

I imagine. You're here to scoId me
for what I did. But you fired me.

You couIdn't be so aIike.
I can't beIieve you're not
CeciIia Ezcurra's daughter!

You make the same disgusting face
when you don't Iike something.

Your mother and I were mates
at Sacred Heart SchooI, in Concordia.

She who's so angry with me, I heId
her in my arms when she was born.

So, you must be Aneta?
And my brother
was caIIed JuIian.

Did you know him too?
