El Faro

Come here, Aneta!
You must be Meme.
I was waiting for you.

How did you recognize me?
They toId you I waIk with a Iimp.

No. They said
you were beautifuI.

I'm Richard, a friend
of DoIores'. Come.

Fernando was waiting for you,
but he had to Ieave.

I oversIept.
-This is the stand you'II work in.
-What am I supposed to do?

I don't know the prices
or anything.

Just seII. These are antiques.
We'II heIp you out with the prices.

-She is Sonia.

-My wife. She is Meme.
-How are you?

-Fine and you?
-Very weII.

We know you aIready. DoIores
taIks about you aII the time.

What does she say?
-What are you doing here?
-It's my fauIt.

I promised her I'd show her
the market. I guess I shouIdn't?

-HeIIo, Sonia.
-Who's this beauty right here?

This beauty gets out of schooI
every time she can.

-Is she your sister?
-Yes, unfortunateIy.

-What's your name?

Aneta. How are you?
I'm Richard. Hi...

Do we have anything to offer her?
Want to see something?

-DoIores had to go to the bank.
-But she's coming?

-Of course.

Yes, sure.
-TeII me what I have to do then.
-For the time, just have a sweet.

That shorty is wonderfuI!
-She sang the Shark's song for me.
