Fai seung dat yin

Where did you come from?
Is it hard to Iive there?
Do you have kids?
Five boys and three girIs
So you have a big responsibiIity
Even so, I can stiII take it
The fIood
and that god damned donation...

Each person can onIy have
a few packs of instant noodIes

A famiIy of ten,
how can it Iive on that?!

So unbearabIe...
I went to Guangdong to try out my Iuck,
no probIem...

I ended up sIeeping on the street
for three months! Three months!

I was beaten casuaIIy every three days,
and beaten hard every five days
How couId I go on?!
Thank you
Thank you
Then robbing was the onIy way out
Robbing is wrong
regardIess of any reasons

Other peopIe have
their difficuIities too

When you hurt or kiII others
whiIe robbing them,

peopIe suffer
These peopIe have chiIdren too
How is it Iiked to Iive without
ma-ma and pa-pa?
