
l met somebody,
someone l really like.

Good. Good for you.
Take a deep breath, darling.
You are in for the ride
of your life.

Lower the fucking drawbridge.
Give me some of those drink tickets.

Always a pleasure to see you too,
Stephie, and this must be Gia.

How do you know my name?
l'm god, l know everything.
See, even god knows your name.
With a face like that,
she doesn't need a name.

Actually, Tony,
my face is a little higher.

Anytime, Gia, anytime.
Stop being stingy, Tony.
That's something to be on--
downers and champagne.

Very rich.
Ooh, did him in a car once.
l can't remember exactly
how fast we were going.

That's Stan Girardi. Used to do it
with Cheryl, but he's doable.

Ooh, Joe Jamison.
Beautiful, but gay.

Not that that'd ever stop me.
A little tongue up his ass...
and he's all yours.
You're full of shit, aren't you?
Sometimes l don't believe it,
but it's all true.
