
- Have them all sealed up.
- Yes, sir.

How? How would we do that, sir?
Fill them with cement. Brick them up.
Put land mines in them, bombs.

I don't care! Make sure the damn thing
doesn't leave the island!

Yes, sir.
You know, he's not some enemy
trying to evade you.

- He's just an animal.
- What are you suggesting?

When I had to catch earthworms...
the best way to get them was not
to dig them out, but to draw them out.

All we need to do
is to find out what he needs...

and he'll come to you.
Where are they now?
Delta Niner, what is convoy position?
Command, they have
just entered the city.

I have no radio contact with the convoy.
I'm expecting ground confirmation now.

- Convoy ETA ten minutes, sir.
- We've got to hurry.

Man your positions now.
Ten minutes to ETA.

Go, go, go!
All systems go!

Is it good?
Let's go! Come on, coming through!
Put it down.
