
There's no Ranger game on tonight.
Ed. if you're seeing this.
will you please put us on live?

It's urgent.
I know this sounds crazy,
but you have to do it.

Trust me.
I'm not putting you on live.
- I don't think he'll do it.
- Yes, he will.

All right, Ed? Come on!
See that? They'll be all over the city
if we don't stop them.

Give me a second.
The time has come to return
to our homes and pick up our lives.

- These are the last three.
- Our fears have been allayed-

Thanks to the heroic efforts
of our boys in uniform--

Are we on?
This calculator--
Yeah, you're on.
Yes, you're on. Go!
We're live inside
Madison Square Garden..-

where Dr. Niko Tatopoulos
has discovered the beast's lair.

Doctor, can you tell us
what's happening here?

- That's you, yes. Go, go.
- Thank you.

Well, we've discovered
over 200 eggs-

Go get Hicks.
Which a few moments ago began hatching.
The creatures just hatched are over nine
feet tall, and they've begun feeding.

When their food supply runs out here..-
they will attempt to hunt down food
of their own outside of this nest.

Oh, my God!
If they get out, they'll multiply
and soon a new species will emerge-

One that could replace us as
the dominant species of this planet.

Each one of these amazing reptiles-..
are born pregnant-
