
Just one more thing...
We have arrested a suspect.
He's a well-known smuggler up here.

He lacks an alibi
and is under suspicion.

He has told an amazing story,
I think you should hear.

It's him!
That's the man from the tundra!

He can provide me with an alibi! So
talk with him! It's me, Juha!

Ask him! He saved my life!
I didn't kill anyone!

Shut up! Get him down!
Fucked up assholes!

What the hell is this? What?
Would you care to tell me
what is going on here?

I got to talk with him in private.
You may participate in the interrogation.
but you can't takeover the
interrogetion of my suspects.

He's mainsuspect in a homicidecase.
He has persistantly claimed to have met
a swedish parachute soldier

on the russian tundra.
Five minutes ago it sounded like
the world's most incredible story.

Now I'm not so damn
certain no more.

Are here all the documents?
He's a homicide suspect!

Not any more. There's his alibi.
Is this some kind of fucking trick?
I can guarantee you he was not in
Sweden, when the murder was committed.

Okay, okay. Then I'll release the prisoner.
Arrest him again.
For what?
