Holy Man

He stayed with us
a few winters ago as a friend.

He helped us.
I am so sorry.
I thought...
You know, I just...
It's all right.
Okay? You all right?
That man.
I called him,
and I told him that I knew G.

- Who's she talking about?
- He offered me money. Five grand.

$5,000 to get up here and say
a few words, to get up here and lie.

He paid me to lie about G.
I'm sorry. I may be poor, but there's
your bad man right there! There he is.

- Where?
- Scott Hawkes!

Is this a conspiracy,
Scott, or were you by yourself?

- No, I have no comment.
- No more questions.

Privacy. Just a little privacy.
- I only have a comment at this point.
- Tell us the truth.

Don't, don't, don't... Let him alone.
Let him have a little privacy.

And, uh... No, I wanna
take care of that.

Listen, I've been empowered
by Mr. John McBainbridge...

to offer Grace $5,000...
on behalf of G
and the Good Buy Network...

uh, as well as $5,000
worth of Good Buy products...

including the, uh...
new George Foreman Lean Mean
Fat Reducer Grill Machine...

that's available only on Wednesday
nights on George's show here on our show.

- This sounds like a publicity stunt.
- Certainly is not, Tanya.

It was what it was, and let's all
continue on our journey.

Thanks so much.
Oh. Don't you think
we're going a little far?

With what? The announcer?
It's the top of the show. Pizazz.

We're just kidding around with that,
but I want to make it an event.

Here's G!
