Hope Floats

OK. Computer skills?
Don't compute.
Oh, goodness.
You'll have to give me...

some sort of idea
of what you're looking for,

'cause I'm not likely to find
a listing for prom queen.

Well... I used to take pictures.
I was good at that.

So maybe I could get a job
at the newspaper...

or Jackson's portrait studio.
It's closed down,
and the newspaper's not hiring.

- I can tell you that right now.
- OK.

- So... hmm.
- Dot, I would really like a job.

One that I could
like myself for.

Even if it's just
for a little while.

- Birdee...
- Dot...

I don't know how I treated you
in high school.

I'm guessing it was pretty bad,
seeing how you're hell-bent
on putting me in my place.

And that's OK.
Just, um...
just put me in a job, too.

I would really be grateful.
Shoot some pictures
over the weekend.

- OK. Great.
- I'll look 'em over.

- Great.
- I'll do what I can.

Thank you. Thank you.
