I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

Face the fear and the guilt.
Finally say his name.
Ben Willis.
- Ben Willis.
- l know.

You know? How could you ..?
l know what you did last summer.
Nice to see you find political
science so stimulating, Miss James.

- Julie, wait. Are you okay?
- l'm fine.

- You sure? You don't seem fine.
- l had another dream, Will.

- The one in the shower?
- ln a church. God, it was so real.

l thought the dreams were over.
- lt'll get better.
- lt can't get worse.

l've freaked out in class before.
l can't study, l can't sleep.

l'm this close to failing school.
Happy Fourth of July!
- lt was one year ago.
- lt's the anniversary.

- You've just got to take it easy.
- l'm really trying.

Sometimes l wonder why l came here.
- To get out of Southport?
- Right. Now l remember.

Are you going away for the Fourth?
l'll be studying for the finals.
The joys of summer school.
