I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

If I don't make it up, go ahead.
Have a reaIIy great time.

Ray, for me, try, please.
- l really miss you.
- l miss you, too.

Dude, we haven't caught dick for
days. She asked you to the Bahamas.

Fuck it, man. You've got to go.
l'll ride up with you.

- Yeah. Stupid ...
- Yeah, stupid.

What were you thinking, man?
l'll show you
what l've been thinking.

Whoa, Ray. Damn. Thanks, but l'll
need some time to think about it.

- Nice fit, huh?
- l'll call and tell her l'm coming.

No, surprise her. She'll be psyched.
Yeah. All right, clean up.
Will you please forget about Ray?
That boy has got fish on the brains.

- Yeah, but ...
- But nothing. Where are we going?

- The Bahamas.
- Where are we going ..?

The Bahamas!
- Try the harmony.
- You try it. l'll lead.

- You, lead? You suck.
- Fuck you. l sound just like him.

- You don't sound anything like him.
- Are you deaf?

l'm quitting this band, man.
l'm going solo.

Oh, shit.
