Jack Frost

Boy, your mom is going to be jazzed
we fixed that sink.

Snow peas.
You should like these.

Level with me. How is she?
She's good.
She moved a picture
of you next to her bed.

What's that?
Mom's home.
She can't be!
She can't see me like this!

Nobody can see me like this,
but especially her.

Just a minute, Mom!
Honey, why are all the windows open?
Please, you gotta help me.
It's freezing in here.
Charlie, what's going on?
Science fair project.
You're kidding.
Why is the floor wet?
Well, the science fair project...
...it's about what it's like
to live in an igloo.

And Eskimos have
wet floors, Mom. Duh.

It's freezing in here.
What's going on?

And what's with all the food?
I got kind of hungry.
Three bags of veggies?
I got real hungry?
There's something I need to tell you.
This science fair thing?
It was Natalie's idea.
Okay. Just tell Natalie
the next experiment's at her house.

Grab some towels and help me
with this, okay?
