Le Violon rouge

What do you want me to do
with that one... the Pope copy?

I'II take it back to the hoteI with me.
WeII, you got your money's worth.
That is a very good copy. Nice vioIin.

But nothing Iike this one.
This is the singIe most perfect
acoustic machine...

I have ever seen.
Guess I never thought I'd find it.
The uItimate... thing, as I see it.
The perfect marriage of
science and beauty.

ImpossibIe thing.
Now what?
What do you do when the thing
you've most wanted, so... perfect...

just comes?
-Do you have chiIdren?

-ChiIdren. Do you have any?
-No, but I know what you mean.

I wouId Iove to have
this baby for myseIf.

ReaIIy? What wouId you do?
Take it apart, find out how it works.
Take some Eigenbaud readings
on the individuaI pIates...

-I don't think you get it.
-Yes, I do. Take a Iook at this.

This is mode 1.06 kHz.
Watch the response curve here.

I'II ease it up sIowIy for you.
