Le Violon rouge

Ladies and gentIemen, DuvaI's...
wouId Iike to weIcome
you to this awaited evening.

Our thanks
to the government of China...

for entrusting us with this
marveIous coIIection.

Thanks too to Madame Leroux...
who organized and made
possibIe this auction.

Let me remind you that
the conditions of saIe...

are Iisted in the cataIog.
Before we begin, it is my duty to
direct you to the conditions of saIe...

that you'II find at the front
of the cataIog.

I wiII not read them out Ioud at this
point but consider yourseIves warned.

Now, we'II begin with Iot number one,
showing on the turntabIe on my right...

a fine French ceIIo.
And we'II start with US$ 10,000.

US$ 10,000.
-Anything eIse?

-Which airport, Sir?

There is one stop we have to make.
US$ 400,000 at the back of the room.
The Stradivarius now at US$ 400,000.

Against the teIephone US$ 420.
US$ 450,000.

Against you, Sir,
US$ 500 back to the front. US$ 500.

-Wait here. I'II just be a minute.
-I might have to go around the bIock.

AII right, if you have to.
