Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2

What the hell is going on?
You're a butcher, not a dentist!
You okay?
No more ice.
That's risky, Daddy-o!
They're safer
in Hot Mama's little bag.

The Duke lost his jeWels?
Heal him or I shan't marry.
Take the man on the stake
back to his time,
or the seven plagues of Egypt

Will strike your lands.
Icy Winds sWeep
through the open Corridors of Time.

I'll prepare the potion.
Make haste
before Jacquasse's descendant

denounces us all to the lnquisitor.
The lnquisitor? Here?
I Will pack my bags
and leave at once!

First fix the plagues!
What is it?
It's for me. The old biddy.
Half a glass for each.
Here's the spell.
It stinks! They'll never drink this!
You can't taste it in cocoa.
And it doesn't alter the potion.
A drop of magic potion...
Rise and shine! Breakfast time!
Her again.
Hot cocoa!
Have you ever had chocolate?

Hot, hot, hot, hot cocoa!
Chocolate! Crunch! Crunch!
You knoW Crunch Bars?
This is Nesquik!

Slowly, don't choke!
