Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2

I'm off!
Happy golfing! see you tonight!
Begone, peasant!
I'll handle them.
Hot cocoa! What a good idea.
We never have it.

Cocoa is neW to you.
The conquistadores
brought it back

from Mejico ages ago.
It Was the rage!
People adore it! As Jean-Pierre says:
"Try new things
or you'll end up a dum-dum!"

No Way, bimbo-bo!
screW your Mexican snobs!

I Won't puke for you.
Give me her nectar!
stop, it's not for you!
It's your turn!
Get off my back! stop hounding me!
I'm not Bimbo-bo's slave!
I'll get gas and hock the jeWels.
Then it's party time!
First drink your cocoa!
My jewels!
- I'll cut her throat!
- Stay here!

Why are you screaming?
Per horus et per ra
per solem invictus du chere
Jean-Pierre! It Works!
That proves it!
What are all these golf balls?
Dame Ginette...
she's no piece of cake.

Hark! Hark!
Goodly Dame Ginette!

Hear ye!
Can thou manage
in this hostile World?

- You bet.
- vaunt thee not!

I'm off to Bourges.
That's 500, not 50.
she talks Weird.
Is she a foreigner?

Pure French
With a stick up her ass.
