Like It Is

The best bit was, wiggling their
backsides at the end of every chorus.

Yeah, that'll all go though.
I tell ya, that Jamie could sell condoms
to a nun with the right direction.

Don't forget that donkey dick,
'cos I won't.

- Very tasty...

He's not tempted though, is he?
Oh no, we've seen that look on your face
every time Gloria mentions lover boy.

Shut up. Just finish your drink alright.
Oh shit, did we wake ya?
- Yeah.

Oh, Manchester United shorts. Do you
fancy Ryan Giggs? I think he's so sexy.

Ah no, he's a real man he is, he only
watches football for the action.

Just ignore the fashion victim mate.
We were, er having a nightcap and got
a bit carried away.

Come on, have one?
I suppose that's fuckin' sugar
for your cocoa?

Best leave him to cool off- Eh?
I ain't in the mood for a fight.
- Chicken.

Fancy another one before bed?
This my line?
- Greedy cow!

I embarrass you don't I?
- Come again?!

That's why you didn't want me out
with you last night?

You'd have been bored last night,
that's all.

You sure?
- Sure!
