Lulu on the Bridge

You don't have to
answer if you don't want to.

But, something happened
to me a couple weeks ago...

and I'm still trying to figure out
if I did the right thing or not.

I was on a plane to London.
I was going to see Catherine,
as a matter of fact.

J ust as we go into our descent,
I decide I have to go to the toilet.

I go down the aisle,
but the door is locked,

so I stand there, shooting the breeze
with one of the stewardesses.

the door opens... and out
steps this good-looking girl.

Maybe 24 or 25.
Very pretty.
She gives me
an odd little look,

she edges past me and
I go into the bathroom.

The toilet seat
and the cover are both down,

and sitting on top
of the cover...

is a huge turd.
I have no idea what to do.
If I complain to the stewardess
she'll think I did it.

We've just had
this friendly conversation,

and I don't want her to
think I'm that kind of person.

That's the situation.
Now tell me what you would
have done if you'd been me.

I don't know...
I would have complained,
I guess, but, I'm not sure.

What did you do?
Took out some paper towels
and I cleaned up the mess.

Incredibly disgusting.
I don't think I've ever
done anything that generous.

You did an admirable thing.
Maybe, maybe not.
Maybe I was just being a coward.
You know, I'm...
trying to avoid a scene.
