Meet Joe Black

sing with rapture
and dance like a dervish.

- Oh, that's all.
- Yeah. Be deliriously happy,

or at least
leave yourself open to be.

''Be deliriously happy.''
l shall, uh--

l shall do my utmost.
l know it's a cornball thing.
But love is passion,
someone you can't live without.
l say, fall head over heels.
Find someone you can love like crazy
and who will love you the same way back.

How do you find him? Well, you forget
your head, and you listen to your heart.

And l'm not hearing any heart.
'Cause the truth is, honey, there's
no sense living your life without this.

To make the journey
and not fall deeply in love,

well, you haven't lived
a life at all.

But you have to try, 'cause
if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.

Oh, you're tough.
l'm sorry. Okay.
Give it to me again,
but the short version this time.

Okay. Stay open.
Who knows?
Lightning could strike.

What do you think?
ls it just the executive committee,

or are you guys gonna use me?
Quince, man, thanks for the offer,
but it's all set for just me and Bill.

- More people might--
- l know. l know, gum up the works.

''l want you to get swept away.''
- Huh?
- l was just sayin' to Quince
that we won't need him until--

-Did you hear something?
-Yeah, but l was just sayin' to Quince--

- No, no, no. Not you.
- What's the matter, Daddy?
