Mysteries of Egypt

Well, my friends want me
to ask about the "curse"

how anyone who entered
King Tut's tomb...

...will have some terrible
things happen to them.

Yes, yes, I know.
I don't know if I believe it.
But will you tell me about it?
So the pharaons, the tombs
the monuments

the great civilization
who built them

you are not interested in?
But the Mummy's curse you find...
Yes, I can see that.
All right then.
you shall hear all about it.
But first we must
take a trip together.

Where will we start then?
At the source, of course.
The source of the Nile.
It is the longest river on Earth,
the greatest river in Africa
crossing nearly half
the continent.

It is born of two rivers
the White Nile

which rises near Lake Victoria
