Mysteries of Egypt

There would be no mummies,
no ancient Egypt-in fact,
no Egypt at all without her.
You see,
Egypt without the Nile
is a desert...

suitable for
camels and scorpions,

but not great civilizations.
It's only here along the
flood plain of the Nile

that the desert's heat
is softened...

and arid sand is turned
to rich farmland.

Nourished and irrigated
by the Nile,

Egypt became the longest
Iived of all the
great early civilizations.

In ancient times,
so much water raced down
from the lush valleys
of Central Africa

that the Nile overflowed
its banks in seasonal floods.

Mineral-rich silt was carried
toward the desert of Egypt
from lands upstream,

where wildlife flourished.
Rich land made possible
a vast farming culture

and a stable civilization able to
turn from daily survival
to works of the mind:

science, mathematics,
engineering and astronomy.

They studied the heavens
and the seasons

gave us the 24-hour day
and the 365-day calendar.

Egypt, an old saying goes,
was the gift of the Nile.
