Mysteries of Egypt

preserved by the desert air
and the skill of their creators.
Some are so old that
they had already stood

a thousand years
when Tutankhamon was born.

The enormous obelisks of Karnak
were carved from single blocks
of granite,

moved hundreds of miles by boat
rolled on logs

and perhaps levered up
with huge timbers.

Giant statues of Ramses the Great
carved at Abu Simbel

are still some of the largest figures
ever sculpted from solid stone.
We don't know how they did it,
but we do know why
to honor the pharaons,

both in life and after death.
Honor the pharaons after death?
Does that have anything
to do with mummies?

Look at Tutankhamon for example.

When the young kind died,
the priests sought
to create

a magical new body for him.
For 70 days they labored,
drying and preserving the
royal body with salts

and ointments,
then wrapping it in hundreds
of feet of linen laden

with protective jewels,
charms and amulets.

And finally,
crowning the mummy with
an exquisite golden death mask.
Tutankhamon was ready
for the afterlife.
