Mysteries of Egypt

You just said so yourself.
It wasn't the gods who built
these great monuments.
It was people.
Thousands and thousands of people.
Imagine being one of
these people

Iiving in a tiny village
more than 4,000 years ago.
Life would be pretty much
the same day in
and day out-farming,

herding cattle
fishing in the Nile.

Then one day,
you're selected to journey
by boat down the Nile.
You're now part of
the great national project
to build the pharaon's tomb.
But you have no idea
what kind of tomb!

And then you see a monument
to the sun to life eternal.
How did they move such heavy
stones to such great heights?
There are many theories,
but they probably pulled
the blocks up mud-slickened ramps
raising the ramps
as the pyramid grew.

Masons then set the stones
with such precision a postcard
couldn't fit between them.
To create the
Great Pyramid of Khufu,

it took over 20 years...
more than two million
stone blocks...

and some 20,000 people.
And they might have been slaves,
but now we think
they were mostly peasant farmers
recruited to work here
part of the year.
