Mysteries of Egypt

The thing that draws me
to history is the fact

that we are all part of the
same human experience

we're all linked together
in some way.

What's happened in the past
is bringing itself

to bear on what's happening
in the present.

Bruce is filming the
"Mysteries of Egypt",

a giant-screen
Imax feature for National Geographic
and destination cinema.
It's a monumental undertaking
there are hundreds of extras
thousands of costumes and props
and over eight tons of
specialized equipment designed
to shoot the biggest film
stock in the world.
A standard 35mm frame
is about this big

70mm is about this big,
Imax is about this big and
it's thrown up on a screen
six stories high...

every detail shows up.
Authenticity is everything.
And the crew is under constant
pressure to achieve perfection.
Costume designer Jackie Crier
has been working since dawn.
Today, she must transform hundreds
of extras into pyramid
builders for a crucial scene.
Down river
archaeological advisor Zahi Hawass
waits for shooting to start
with producers Scott Swofford
and Lisa Truitt.

I take full responsibility
for everything bad in the film.
If anything goes wrong
I will throw Lisa

Scott and Bruce in the Nile.
Getting it right can be difficult,
because just how the Egyptians
did build the pyramids is still a mystery.
We know they devised a system
for moving mammoth
chunks of limestone.

We know the system was efficient
one 5,000-pound stone could be
added to a rising mound
every two minutes.
