Mysteries of Egypt

But what we don't know is how
they did it without wheels or cranes.
They simply do not show
pyramid building anywhere

and so what we
are left with

are surmises or inferences
that we make from the stones
the size of the stones.

But you know the rules
of physics haven't changed.

We have found sledges.
We have found ropes or
fragments of rope.

We have found ramps of pyramids.
The evidence has an
interesting tale to tell

but getting the story on film
requires some distinctly modern tricks.
Production designer Michael Buchanan
knows everything has to look just right.
I'm trying to make the plaster
Iook like real stones.
So it doesn't look
like what it is!

The plaster stones weigh only
a fraction of the real thing,
but the actors' efforts are real.
As the camera rolls,
20-man teams haul the blocks
on sledges up increasingly steep ramps.
It's a dazzling sight...
and one not seen on the
Giza plateau in over 4,000 years.
Until now
I haven't seen any film
that is done on ancient
Egypt that is accurate.

All that we see is like
30% accurate, until now.
