Mysteries of Egypt

the pyramid from the sunrise
to the sunset.

Bringing that ancient harbor
to life will be

one of the most difficult tasks
the crew undertakes

but Bruce wants
the scene on film.

All the modern tools
are employed-extras across

the river are cued
by walkiee-talkie...

and even the sailboat
has a motor hidden from view.

Duck out, man!
Turnover! Roll it
please turning, turning, turning.
But nothing goes as planned
the wind won't cooperate
and the Nile's current forces
the boat backwards.

Oh, man-collision!
What was done with ease
over 4,000 years ago

may be too much to
accomplish this day.

We have a panic moment here.
See what I'm wondering...
if we had some good lengths
of rope that

we could throw on shore and
draw that in.

It's a last ditch attempt
sail the boat anywhere

near the shore and have
the extras drag it in with ropes.
Throw the damn rope.
But the nightmare continues.
The light is going,
and the shot with it.

I quit...the boat looks great...
yeah all the physical
elements are great...

just, you know,
we just want to get the boat
to go up the river

turn around and come back.
And we finally just
we have to move on and
do other things.

At least there were no casualties.
During the actual building
of the pyramids,

mistakes often resulted
in serious injury and sometimes death.
Building the pyramid for sure
there was many accidents

we found about 12 skeletons.
At least ten of them
had accidents on their hand
