
I mean, it happened several years ago, but
I can remember it like it was just yeasterday.

- Hey Dad?
- Mhm?

I don't think I'm going to do hamster-style anymore.
That's nice.
And that's the way it went down, man.
Shit. I can still smell that newspaper.
You know, it does. It does feel better to get it out.
Come on, I wanna show you something.
By the time I finally got this ol' momma
to work, it had a lot of parts.

The sucker got pretty heavy.
I could barely even lift it now.

What is it?
It's the Orgazmorator. I made it work.
Golly, it's huge.
Yeah. I could probably
make a compact version,...

... but then I'd have
to use cold fusion...

... instead of the fission
devices inside of it now.

But then, if I could figure out
cold fusion, I'd be a millionaire!

Want to give it a shot?
Stick your arm in this thing here.
Grab hold of the handle
and it should power up.

Calm down, dude! Calm down, it's okay.
It's just powering up. It's okay.

You can actually hold that thing, huh?
- It's... not that heavy.
- That's sweet.

So now what?
So now, I mean, it's... you know, I mean, it's like a gun.
I mean, you feel a little trigger on the handle there?

This one?
