Patch Adams

Dr Maslow, line 214, please.
Dr Maslow, line 214.
Yo! Ride 'em, cowboy!

Oh! Oh! I surrender!
I'll tell you what you want to know!

Do you wanna tell me what it is
you think you're doing?

just getting
a few laughs, sir.

The American Journal of Medicine
has found that laughter...

increases secretion
of catecholamines and endorphins...

which in turn increases oxygenation
of the blood, relaxes the arteries...

speeds up the heart,
decreases blood pressure...

which has a positive effect
on all cardiovascular
and respiratory ailments...

as well as overall increasing
the immune system response.

Smart clown, eh?
Mr. Adams.
When I told you
I knew Dr Prack...

did I mislead you in some way
to think I'm a pushover, like he is?

Kindly remove that coat.
I told you you are not to see
the patients till the third year.

I'm just visiting friends, sir.
Why are you here?
If you want to be a clown,
go join the circus.

Patients don't need to be entertained.
They don't need a friend.

They need a doctor.
I don't want to see you
in this hospital again.

What if I visit the patients
on my own time?

Yes, about your own time.
It's been brought to our attention
that perhaps we should be suspicious...

of the level
of your grades.

What are you saying?
I'm cheating?
