Primary Colors

and he was not happy.
How are you, honey?
Not so good since my mama died.
I miss her like a pain.
You got to let that happen.
Your mama deserves it.

Your pain will heal ,
but give your mama her due.

We got to miss our mamas.
Nobody loves us like them.

Your mama still with you, Henry?
NO. she's in Beverly Hills
with her second husband.

You' re a lucky man.
Thank you.
And the next time I see my mama,
she's blind.

A year later, she's got
one leg from diabetes.

She could have done anything.
Been anything.

God bless the mamas.
My mama worked her whole life.
My mama raised seven chikdren.
If he doesn't,
we focus on New Hampshire.//He does, we focus on the South.

He may wait until New Hampshire.
Shouldn't we wait for
the Govemor for this?

He's in a mama-thon.
That'll go in all night.

My mama worked her whole life
for her family...

and never did anything
for herself!

and now they' re cutting her up!
Cutting pieces out of her!

Why is that happening to her?
I looked over jordan and
what did I see

Coming for to carry me home.
You know what Richard's favorite
song is?

It is the most American goddamn song
I can think of.

A southern governor wrote it.
Know what I'm thinking ofz?
You are my sunshine.
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
when skies are gray.
