Saving Private Ryan

I thought you liked it
in the ass.

As you were.
I'm looking
for Corporal Upham...

Timothy E.
I'm Upham, sir.
I understand you speak
French and German.

Yes, sir.
How's your accent?
Just a slight one
in French,

but my German's clean.
A touch of Bavarian, sir.

Very good. You've
been reassigned to me.

Grab your gear.
We're going to a place
called Neuville.

Yes, sir.
When was this updated?
Updated as of 0830
this morning.

Uh, sir...
this is
the 12th S.S. Panzer.

These are the 2 axis
that advance south.

Sir, there are Germans
in Neuville.

That's what I understand,

Um, sir,
there are a lot of Germans
in Neuville.

You have a problem
with that, Corporal?

No, sir.
Just if you consider
I've never been in combat.

I make maps,
and I translate.

I need someone who speaks
French and German.

Yes, sir.
My 2 guys were killed.
It's just that
I haven't held a weapon

since basic training, sir.
Did you fire the weapon
in basic training?

Yes, sir.
Well, then get your gear.
Yes, sir.
Sir, may I br--
May I bring
my typewriter, sir?

Yes, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
That a souvenir?
Uh, no, sir.
Take your time, Corporal.
You should look
on the bright side
of things, Corporal.

Yes, sir.
For one thing...
you don't need
to carry those.

You'll need that.
Need this. Yes, sir.
Don't need that.
