Saving Private Ryan

This has been the test
of all civilisations
throughout history,

that when the time came
the average citizen said,

"l will sacrifice myself
for the country."

These kids didn't wanna be
there. 17, 18, 19 years old...

They wanted to
be shooting .22s at rabbits,

not M-1s at other young men.
They wanted to be throwing softballs,
not hand grenades.
But there was an evil force loose,
and it fell to them to deal with it,
because when the challenge came
the society said,

"You gotta go out there
and fight." And they did.

30 seconds! God be with you!
Keep the sand out of your weapons.
Keep those actions clear.
I'll see you on the beach.
Move your men up the beach! Go!
"Saving Private Ryan"
by Steven Spielberg,

starring two-time Academy Award
winner Tom Hanks.

as Captain John Miller.
Clear the shingle!
It's the story
of heroism and sacrifice,

set in France during the D-Day
invasion of World War Two,

where eight soldiers risked
their lives to save one man.

Some private lost three brothers
and got a ticket home.

I don't know anything
about Ryan. I don't care.

If finding him
lets me go home to my wife...

well, then, that's my mission.
This is what it comes down to.
Find this guy so he can go home,
while the rest stay and fight.

It's an obtuse concept,
but there's no arguing with it.

The principle mission
was to rescue someone

for a good reason.
That attracted me to the story.
