Saving Private Ryan

other than just terrible fear.
I was never more afraid of
anything than at that moment.

The sizes of the forces involved
were gargantuan.

This was the biggest amphibious
operation in human history.

Guys thought
this would be pretty easy.

Maybe the Air Force
has killed them already.

Actually, they hadn't hit anything.
Most of the young men that landed
on Utah and Omaha had never
landed on a beach before.

It was their first time at war.
When those ramps
went down on those boats,

and those Germans had been
waiting and holding their fire,

thousands and thousands of them,
rifles, machine guns,
mortars, big cannon.

I swear, in some of those boats
everybody got killed
before anybody got out.

Just a wall of steel hit them.
First of all it was chaos.
That's the only word to describe
what was going on.

"Why are we doing this?"
I said to myself.

I'd dig a hole and try
to get below the firing squad.

Closer you get to the ground,
the longer you'll live.

That was my motto.
How afraid they must have been.
And they were so tired and wet
with all their wool and gear
and ammunition and weapons

that stepping off those boats,
their pals dying around them,

they were so exhausted and seasick
they could only crawl
up those beaches.

But they kept coming,
working their way
up that beach to that seawall.

The tendency was overwhelming,
every instinct in them said,

"Get down low and just stay there.
