Saving Private Ryan

with actual gun camera footage
you could buy in a camera store.

Steve had the camera
and another kid in the cockpit.

To show the plane banking,
he would just turn the camera.

When you saw it on screen
it looked like the plane went.

Between reality and fantasy,
spliced this story together.

B-51 ! Cadillac of the sky!
Half my films take place
in the '30s and '40s.

Look at the "Raiders" films,
at "Empire Of The Sun",

at "1941 ", my comedy,
even "Schindler's List",
which isn't a war film -

I think the Holocaust
is in a category of its own.

I've had windows into war
in many films I've directed.

Little pockets, sequences,
a little bit like war,

but never anything like this movie.
I don't think I've ever done
anything closely resembling

the war that we've attempted to
bring to life in Private Ryan.

I have never seen anything close
to this movie for realism,

for exactly what
the men I've interviewed

over the past 30 years
on this battle

have told me
about what happened.

I wanna see plenty
of beach between men.

We were on the landing craft
when the ramps came down.

All I saw was the ramp go down
