Saving Private Ryan

Imagine getting three
in the same day.

Freedom doesn't come for free.
Those gold stars in the windows
meant their boy
wasn't gonna come home.

They put it in the window
and you knew at that house

the husband or son...
had paid the last
full measure of devotion

and they were never
gonna see him again.

And that's why we're free.
Because he gave his life.
This movie is about the veterans.
It's for the veterans
of World War Two.

We talked about that often
when we made the picture.

It's important
to keep telling the stories

to understand what
the basis for this was.

The more you talk
about the horrors of war,

the less likely you are to try
to get involved in another one.

It's important we remember
the men of World War Two.

It's thanks to them we live
in this free world today.

They deserve applause.
In all honesty they deserve
medals and honours and parades,

but they also deserve our thanks
for their sacrifices
when they were virile young men.

It's important to remember
that there were people willing
to die for their country.

They were willing
to give their lives.

We owe a lot to people
that are easy to forget,

trying to satisfy our own
contemporary lives.

If it weren't for the veterans,
we wouldn't have those lives.

Everybody who complains
about going to work

at eight o'clock
in the morning somewhere

should come here and look down
this stretch of beach

and consider what was asked
of that generation to do

on June 6th, 1944.
